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Ninjas Rate Wolverine Movie

Portsmouth BBD Ninjutsu club goes to the cinema and pub evening

Ninja Rating 6

Well we had a good night

Firstly this gets a six out of ten.

We had widely different opinion about the film.

From Dan P who thinks it's the worst film ever and cannot believe he sat through it. Dan P would give it a 1 out of ten

Megan K loved it liked the story and the action and would give it may be a 8 or 9

Everyone else was somewhere between these 2 positions.

Personally if you want to see someone cut people, steel doors, jeeps and helicopters to bits with steel claws then this is the film for you.

Either way everyone had a good time in the pub. It was good to see new students getting a chance to talk to the old hands and getting to know each other.

I spotted a few hangers at training the next day which is always a good sign that it was a good night

Pictures from the pub from this and the last cinema do (kung fu panda that scored a 10 across the board)